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US Army Hands Over Bagram Prison to Afghanistan

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Photo: Ghayor Waziri

Download After a year of tough negotiations, the US army this week handed over the only prison still under American control to the Afghan government.

The handover ends a chapter in Afghan-US relationship.  The Afghan President says control over the prison is a matter of national sovereignty.

Bagram is infamous for allegations of abuse against prisoners and is often described as “Afghanistan’s Guantanamo Bay”.

Ghayor Waziri reports from Kabul.

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Cambodian Workers Demand Higher Wage

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Download The Cambodian government has announced a higher minimum monthly wage of 80 US dollars for garment and footwear workers.

It’s below the demanded 100 US dollars, so workers stay they will continue their campaign till that demand is met.  

Sorn Sarath talks to the workers in Phnom Penh.

បាន​បន្ទាន់​សម័យ​ចុង​ក្រោយ​បំផុត ( ថ្ងៃច័ន្ទ ទី01ខែ​មេសាឆ្នាំ2013ម៉ោង10:55 )

Thailand’s Amnesty Law: Trigger for a New Round of Conflict?

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Download Thailand has suffered a great deal of political instability over the last few years with a series of coups, changes in government, and mass demonstrations.

Many believe that these have left Thai people with deep wounds.

To heal these wounds, Thailand is now proposing four amnesty bills.

Kannikar Petchkaew has more.

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Students’ Suicide Sparked Call for Education Reforms in the Philippines

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Photo: Madonna T. Virola

Download The body of Kristel Tejada was laid to rest at the Manila cemetery last week.

Earlier this month, the 16-year-old student killed herself after she was unable to pay her tuition fees.  

Her death has sparked outrage over the no late payment policy at state universities.

Madonna Virola has more from Manila.

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India Welcomes New Rape Law

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Photo: Bismillah Geelani

Download The Indian Parliament has passed the much awaited anti-rape law to tackle the rising incidents of sexual violence against women.

The legislation comes in response to the huge public outcry over the last year's gang-rape of a woman in New Delhi.

Bismillah Geelani has the details.

បាន​បន្ទាន់​សម័យ​ចុង​ក្រោយ​បំផុត ( ថ្ងៃច័ន្ទ ទី01ខែ​មេសាឆ្នាំ2013ម៉ោង12:05 )

Foreign Maids say Hong Kong Court Ruling is Socially Exclusive

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Photo: Flickr_istolethetv

Download In a landmark decision, Hong Kong's highest court has ruled against granting residency to domestic workers.

The decision by five judges in the Court of Final Appeal has dashed the hopes of maids and home helps who aspire to be permanent residents of Hong Kong.

The court ruled that they may not apply for permanent residence even after seven years, the period that normally applies to other foreigners under the law.

Advocacy groups say the decision is not only discriminatory, but also socially exclusive.

Sen Lam from Radio Australia speaks with Eni Lestari, spokeswoman of Asian Migrants Coordinating Body. It’s an alliance in Hong Kong for domestic workers from the Philippines, Indonesia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

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Burma’s Missing Children

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Photo: NyiNgal

Download According to the United Nations over 900 children each year in Myanmar are rescued from the hands of human traffickers.

While these lucky ones are reunited with their families, many are still missing.

As the country's borders are opening up now that a reform process is under way - there are fears that this will enable human trafficking to rise.

NyiNgal speaks to one family who are still searching for their daughter...

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China Takes Control of Key Pakistani Port

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Download China recently took over management of Gwadar port in Balochistan province in Pakistan.

It’s located on the Arabian Sea at the mouth of the Gulf through which 30% of the world’s daily oil supply passes.

The Pakistani government hopes that this would create local jobs for the country’s poorest province.

Shadi Khan Saif and Mudassar Shah went to find out more.

បាន​បន្ទាន់​សម័យ​ចុង​ក្រោយ​បំផុត ( ថ្ងៃច័ន្ទ ទី01ខែ​មេសាឆ្នាំ2013ម៉ោង14:57 )
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