The United States multinational energy company ConocoPhillips will soon start looking for gas in a deep offshore area in the Bay of Bengal....North Korea has laid its late ruler Kim Jong Il to rest....China’s green hero working within the system...

Program on December 31th, 2011There are no translations available. The United States multinational energy company ConocoPhillips will soon start looking for gas in a deep offshore area in the Bay of Bengal....North Korea has laid its late ruler Kim Jong Il to rest....China’s green hero working within the system... Program Tanggal 31 Desember, 2011There are no translations available. Danny Vithal, 33 tahun, hanya punya satu kaki, tapi dia bisa berlari sejauh 1 kilometer dalam waktu hanya 4 menit....Masyarakat adat Kamboja aktif menggelar forum dan melakukan protes demi mendapatkan perhatian atas ancaman terhadap kehidupan mereka....Setelah kematian sang pemimpin, bagaimana nasib Semenanjung Korea?... Program on December 24th, 2011There are no translations available. In today’s program a long journey home…we met one of the thousands of Timorese children taken by Indonesian families during their occupation of the country…. And we speak with China’s solar power King this year’s winner of the alternative Nobel peace prize…. Also poisonous water in West Bengal…. Program Tanggal 24 Desember, 2011There are no translations available. Dalam program kali ini... Kita akan bertemu dengan salah satu dari ribuan anak Timor Leste yang diambil paksa oleh para keluarga Indonesia, ketika masih menjadi bagian dari tanah air Juga berbincang dengan raja tenaga surya Cina...dan pemenang hadiah nobel alternatif tahun ini…. Dan menyoroti masalah air beracun di Bengal Barat…. |
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