
Home Laporan Khusus Korban Perang Teror Di Pakistan

Korban Perang Teror Di Pakistan

The Taliban’s Ongoing War on Education in Swat

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Last week we, heard a report from the Swat valley in Pakistan where the Taliban have banned girl’s schools.

Earlier this month they threatened to begin destroying schools if they weren’t closed by January 15.

Most schools followed the orders, but to reinforce their point the Taliban have bombed 10 schools in the last week.

Fortunately no one was killed or injured in the blasts, but the audacity of the attacks and the government’s apparent helplessness has deeply traumatized the valley.

Mudassar Shah returned to Swat this week for Asia Calling and he filed this report.


Terakhir Diperbaharui ( Rabu, 30 September 2009 10:37 )

Girls’ Schools Banned in Swat

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Militancy, extremism and attacks are on rise in Pakistan, particularly in the lawless North West Frontier Province where a Taliban led insurgency is invading every aspect of life.

Among the Taliban’s targets are girl’s schools. Three were recently attacked in the capital Peshawar and in the new year Mullah Radio station, Fazlullah announced a complete ban on girls’ schools in Swat beginning January 15.

Our correspondent Mudassar Shah visited Swat to speak with people about the closure of schools there and the effect the Taliban is having on life in the beautiful city.


Terakhir Diperbaharui ( Rabu, 30 September 2009 10:35 )

Pengadilan Syariah Populer di Provinsi Perbatasan Barat Laut Pakistan

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Salah satu hal menarik dari hasil Pemilu Pakistan Februari lalu adalah kemenangan partai sekuler di Provinsi di Perbatasan.

Padahal kawasan itu enam tahun berada di bawah pemerintahan berbasis Islam.

Kemenangan Partai Rakyat Nasional (ANP) dan Partai Rakyat Pakistan (PPP) menandai perubahan menuju bentuk demokrasi sekuler.

Namun baru tiga bulan, para sekularis tampaknya mengalami kemunduran.

Partai Sekuler membolehkan pengadilan Islam, Qazi, beroperasi di wilayah pegunungan dekat Afganistan tersebut. Pengadilan Qazi memiliki hakim yang mendengarkan kasus-kasus dan dengan cepat mengambil keputusan berdasarkan intepretasinya atas hukum Syariah.

Mudassar Shah melaporkan bentuk pengadilan ini yang makin populer. Laporannya dibacakan Artha Senna.

Terakhir Diperbaharui ( Jumat, 05 Juni 2009 11:35 )

Ledakan Bom Menghancurkan Sekolah Negeri Khusus Perempuan Di Pakistan

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Sebulan belakangan ini, militan Taliban telah menghancurkan lebih dari 30 sekolah di provinsi Swat Valley, Pakistan. Itulah pernyataan Kementeriaan Pendidikan Provinsi tersebut.

Ulama radikal, Maulana Fazlullah, yang berasal dari Swat Valley mencap sekolah khusus perempuan tidak Islami. Alhasil, ratusan siswi terkungkung di rumah dan ribuan lainnya putus sekolah.

Mudassar Shah melaporkan dari Swat Valley yang baru-baru ini dibom.

Terakhir Diperbaharui ( Senin, 20 Juli 2009 18:41 )

Displaced by war on terror

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Pakistan’s military says it has suspended its operations against Taliban militants in the Bajaur tribal area on the Afghan border.

The government says this suspension of fighting is in honour of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

The announcement comes as a small relief to the hundreds of thousand of people who have already been displaced by the intense fighting.

Mudassar Shah reports from the temporary camps set-up to house them.

Terakhir Diperbaharui ( Senin, 20 Juli 2009 18:43 )
