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Sri Lanka

Camel Milk and Ostrich Eggs could Fill Sri Lankan Food Gap

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Download Camels and ostriches could be an unlikely solution to food shortages in Sri Lanka, if a new initiative is successful.

Although more than two decades of civil war ended last year, people in some areas of Sri Lanka are still finding the cost of food to be painfully high.

Thousands of children suffer malnourishment.

But now, the government is considering importing camels for their milk and also ostriches for their eggs, in order to help ease the food supply problem.

Sajithra Nithi of Radio Australia reports.

Last Updated ( Monday, 10 January 2011 16:35 )

Sri Lanka’s 207 Centimetres Tall Tamil Netball Champion

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Download  Now, we move to Sri Lanka where our Colombo correspondent, DushiYanthini Kanagasabapathipillai, takes us to meet the tallest female netball player in Asia - Tharjini Sivalingam.

She stands at 6ft 10in (that’s 207 centimetres) and she is also a Tamil.

Her sport, netball, is like basketball but you can’t run with the ball or bounce it.

Twelve months after the end of the decade’s long civil war that divided Sri Lanka’s Tamil and Sinhalese communities for three decades, Sri Lanka is undergoing a period of uncomfortable reconciliation.

Tharjini Sivalingam’s success is not just a source of national pride; it is also a win for the Tamil community.


Last Updated ( Monday, 27 December 2010 13:31 )

Wedding Bell Rings for Sri Lankan ex Rebels

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Download  A mass wedding took place in Sri Lanka this week.

106 former members of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam were married in a government orgainsed gala.

The three decades long civil war came to an end in May last year forcing some 11,000 Tamil Tiger rebels including key leaders to surrender to the army.

Most have been detained in camps since then for what the government describes as rehabilitation.

Now the military has allowed some of them to marry.

Ponniah Manikavasagam attened the wedding and has this report from Vavuniya.


Last Updated ( Monday, 21 June 2010 11:11 )

Sri Lanka’s 207 Centimetres Tall Tamil Netball Champion

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Download  Now, we move to Sri Lanka where our Colombo correspondent, DushiYanthini Kanagasabapathipillai, takes us to meet the tallest female netball player in Asia - Tharjini Sivalingam.

She stands at 6ft 10in (that’s 207 centimetres) and she is also a Tamil.

Her sport, netball, is like basketball but you can’t run with the ball or bounce it.

Twelve months after the end of the decade’s long civil war that divided Sri Lanka’s Tamil and Sinhalese communities for three decades, Sri Lanka is undergoing a period of uncomfortable reconciliation.

Tharjini Sivalingam’s success is not just a source of national pride; it is also a win for the Tamil community.


Last Updated ( Monday, 14 June 2010 10:07 )

Sri Lankan President Consolidates Power as His Party Wins the Polls

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Download  Final results from Sri Lanka's general election confirm that President Mahinda Rajapaksa's coalition has secured an overwhelming victory.

His alliance of parties has secured the biggest landslide victory seen in the country since 1977, although on the lowest turnout since independence.

The results came after repelling in two parts of the country hit by violence on Election Day two weeks ago.

As Ponniah Manikavasagam reports President Rajapaksa narrowly failed to win enough seats to alter the constitution.


Last Updated ( Wednesday, 12 May 2010 14:41 )
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