
Home Special Reports Inspiring Women

Inspiring Women

May 21st, 2007 by Rebecca Henschke 

To celebrate International Women’s Day we profile some of Asia’s most inspiring women.

Marina Matahir speaks out on HIV/AIDS while Cambodian politician Mu Sochua explains how she revolutionised what women can do. We also travel deep into the Burma-Thai jungle to meet a Shan refugee who is creating schools on the run and hear why Afghanistan’s youngest female politicians says the war failed.

INDONESIA: Pressure for human rights abuse cases to be re-opened

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The Indonesian President is under mounting pressure to re-open investigations into several prominent human rights abuse cases.

The National Commission on Human Rights, the Law Commission, and now the Head of the Parliament, are calling for an ad hoc court to hear evidence into the killing of 21 student protestors in 1997 and 1998 by the country’s military.

As Rebecca Henschke reports from Jakarta, it is part of a seven-year-long battle for justice by the victims’ families.


AFGHANISTAN: The country’s most famous women speaks out

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You’ve failed…That’s what Ms Malalai Joya - the youngest member of the Afghani Parliament says about the reconstruction of her country… it’s failed.

The US has failed and the coalition has failed. The conditions of the people of Afghanistan and especially women, are worse now than under the Taliban.

According to the 28 year old, the parliament is ruled by warlords and drug lords… and now those people will be granted amnesty for war crimes under a recently passed bill. Malalai Joya is outspoken about her contempt for the “mask of democracy in Afghanistan…

She’s in the region and the moment and Alice Brennan caught up with her.

Last Updated ( Friday, 12 June 2009 15:55 )

BURMA: 25-year-old Shan activist wins Norway’s Student Peace Prize

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For almost a decade 25 year old Charm Tong, has been working to help educate exiled children who have fled from the ongoing civil war in Burma.

She grew up in a refugee community on the Thai-Burmese border, she parents sent her to live with orphans from the Shan State when she was six-year-old.

Realising how difficult it was to get an education, at the young age of 16 she started helping build schools for exiled children like herself in the jungle.

Charm has just been named the winner of Norway’s Student Peace Prize. Ronald Aung Nai tells her extraordinary story.

Last Updated ( Friday, 12 June 2009 15:25 )

SRI LANKA: Women revolutionize a man’s media world

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For the past three decades, Sri Lanka’s media has been dominated by men. As things begin to change gradually, the need for gender equality in the media becomes more and more apparent. As Ruwani Gunewardena from Young Asia Television reports.

Last Updated ( Friday, 12 June 2009 15:16 )

CAMBODIA : Woman leader Mu Sochua

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Cambodia women face many problems, they are discriminated against at work and in the home. They are not traditionally educated or given equal opportunities. They are the victims of human trafficking and domestic violence.

Mu Sochua has spent most of her life fighting to change this. She has revolutionized what women can do in Cambodia. Her work to lift women out of oppress led to her nomination for the Nobel Peace prize in 2005.

Seang Soleak spoke with her for Asia Calling.

Last Updated ( Friday, 12 June 2009 15:06 )
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